
smart, mischievous, persistent. . .

The author, Kathryn was happily writing a kid’s birding book when one day Crow showed up in her study.

Crows are like that. They’re inquisitive and with their “caw caw!” they like to let you know they’re in the neighborhood.

In our book, Crow entertains as it helps you discover even more interesting facts about all the birds you’ll meet.


smart, mischievous, persistent . . .

The author, Kathryn was happily writing a kid’s birding book when one day Crow showed up in her study.

Crows are like that. They’re inquisitive and with their “caw caw!” they like to let you know they’re in the neighborhood.

In our book, Crow entertains as it helps you discover even more interesting facts about all the birds you’ll meet.

s m a r t

m i s c h i e v o u s

p e r s i s t e n t


The author, Kathryn, was happily writing a kids birding book when, one day, crow showed up.

Crows are like that.
They're inquisitive, and with their "Caw! Caw!" they like to let you know they're in the nighborhood.

In our book, Crow entertains as it helps you discover even more interesting facts about all the birds you'll meet.

Sometimes Crow uses humor to spark questions of "What if?"

Crow's sense of humor
helps your young
reader think about what's on the page.

Crow helps facts come to life for young readers - and anyone who enjoys learning.

Crow makes the journey from A to Z fun for parents, too.

And of course, you can create your own crow humor on any page.

. . . and start looking for mischievousness in corvids all around you.

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